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Local Offer

The Local Offer details the services available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

A photo of the ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Rural campus at dusk

What we do?

1. Identify and assess learners who may need support

  • EHCP’s (Education, Health and Care Plan)
  • Staff referrals
  • School Liaison
  • Discussions between parents and staff

2. Share information with who needs to know

  • Local Authority
  • Previous Education Provider
  • Relevant external agencies
  • Student Support/ ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ

3. Offer support or differentiation

  • Universal support
  • Targeted support
  • High Need support

4. Measure progress and review the provision

What might the support look like?

  • Differentiated work
  • Visuals timetables/prompts
  • Assistive technology
  • 1:1 or group tutorials
  • Parents evening/Parent reports

More Questions?

Speak to the ALS (Additional Learning Support) Team, Student Support, Progress Tutor or Link Tutor