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Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

Hello from the Chaplaincy!

We are a team of people from a variety of faiths who are here for those who belong to a particular faith group and those who don’t identify with any faith at all.

  • Linda Pepper (Lead Chaplain) – Church of England
  • Barbara Richardson-Todd – Quaker
  • Beverley Levy – Jewish

And we’re recruiting others to join us!

Contact details
Telephone – 07854 188536
Facebook – chaplaincyforeveryone

Linda Pepper from the Chaplaincy

We serve ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ New College and the University of ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ by:

  • Creating Communities (around food and hospitality, and shared interests).
  • Exploring Faith (your own, your family, others).
  • Supporting Staff and Students (through offering space to chat, reflect, share worries, or help with appropriate teaching modules).

All are welcome, staff or students!

As soon as we can, we’ll be offering a weekly Chaplaincy Corner in the Atrium so that we can get to know you, and you can get to know us.

A photo of the Ipswich campus.