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The Student Data Team enrols students at the beginning of each academic year, we plan and run the exams, and we will also claim your certificates. The team will also respond to any questions you have on applications to the college.

An exam room showing exam tables and chairs

Exam Documents

Information for Candidates

Information for Candidates

Pre Exam Guidance (Ipswich)
Pre Exam Guidance (Ipswich)

Pre Exam Guidance (Rural)
Pre Exam Guidance (Rural)

Pre Exam Guidance (Halesworth)
Pre Exam Guidance (Halesworth)

JCQ Candidate Information

Student Guide to Exams
Student Exam Guide

GCSE Post Results Services

Ipswich Campus – August 24

Rural & OTC – August 24
Rural & OTC

Ipswich Team

Contact number 01473382288 (option 1)
Email Address studentdatateam@suffolk.ac.uk

Rural / On the Coast Team

Contact number 01473382288 (option 2)
Email Address studentdatateamrural@suffolk.ac.uk